Katherine Ultra Marathon set to harness athletic talent

One of Australia’s premier ultra adventure races is on track to kick off at Katherine’s stunning Nitmiluk National Park on 7 August.

The Katherine Ultra Marathon is shaping up as a must-do event for determined athletes and will include five different legs.

Katherine Multisports Club Secretary Brett Barney said the challenge is the hardest, most beautiful, swim, ride and run you could hope for.

“It’s an epic ultra adventure race for competitors, surrounded by the epic and ultra landscape of Nitmiluk National Park and Katherine Gorge,” he said.

Athletes can race individually or as teams of two to six as they tackle roughly 100km of spectacular Territory landscapes.

The challenge, which includes a 3km swim, 14km trail run, 40-plus km road bike ride, 18km mountain bike ride and 10km road run, encourages entries from people of all abilities.

Beginners can team up to tackle different legs, while elite athletes face the entire challenge solo.

Competitors in this year’s event will get to use world-class mountain bike tracks crisscrossing Nitmiluk’s Southern Escarpment, and can camp at the park among some of the best natural beauty and wildlife the Territory has to offer.

The Territory Labor Government supports the Katherine Ultra Marathon through Northern Territory Major Events Company.
Registrations close on 23 July, 2021.

Visit this website to register: https://www.registernow.com.au/secure/Register.aspx?E=43161