Limited spots remain for extraordinary endurance race in the Red Centre

Time is running out for people to experience one of the nation’s most inspiring long-distance running events this year. The 2021 Run Larapinta Stage Race in August is full, but there are still some spaces available for the postponed 2020 event, which will take place from 21-24 April 2021.
The popular stage race, which takes place in the beautiful Red Centre of Australia, has developed a cult status among trail runners since arriving on the Territory events calendar six years ago.
Sam Maffett, General Manager at event organisers Rapid Ascent, said the location is what makes the event a standout.
“It’s fair to say Run Larapinta is far more a running experience than a race,” he said. “Yes, you can test yourself against your running compatriots and race for a place, but far more people will be in it for the spectacular experience of running through a timeless landscape.”
The Run Larapinta Stage Race offers two different course lengths – the Malbunka features 19km-46km each day, and the Namatjira involves 11km-31km per day. Runners of the Malbunka will rack up 130km over four days. Those running the Namatjira will clock up 80km.
The event is partly funded by the Northern Territory Government through Northern Territory Major Events (NTMEC). NTMEC Chief Executive Officer Tim Watsford said Run Larapinta has firmly made its way onto the bucket list of runners across the country.
“Growing from 78 runners in the first year to the August event now selling out at 200, it’s clear word is spreading about this unique offering in a unique part of the world,” he said. “The Red Centre is an extremely special part of Australia, and participants of this event are privileged to experience it via the breathtaking Larapinta Trail. This is the stuff runners’ dreams are made of.”
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